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To Refuse Skyrocketing Sulfur Price

      The markets of resource products are always influenced by financial factors. The trend of sulfur’s price is hard to follow. The fact that sulfur’s price hiked to $805/t and plummeted to $60/t in less then three months in 2008 still stays in our mind. At presents, sulfur’s price is experiencing creasy rise again, having increased to FOB $220-230/t. Import volume of sulfur accounts for 70%-80% of the total need in China. Therefore, the price of sulfur is crucial for phosphate producers.

     Most phosphate producers in China are cautious about sulfur purchase. There are many problems influencing Chinese sulfur market, such as too many intermediate dealers and disordered market. It is known that there is 2.3 million ton sulfur stock at the port. And some big phosphate producers such as Yuntianhua, Wengfu, Kailin, etc have enough inventories to support production until Q1 in 2011.
     Facing the changeable sulfur market, phosphate producers would like to unite to avoid skyrocketing market by doing quick business and refusing too high price.
(Source: China Agri-Production News)

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