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MIIT Announced First Model Enterprises


    Recently, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People’s Republic of China (MIIT) announced the first model enterprises to promote energy saving and emission reduction by combining informatization and industrialization.

     It is know that MIIT has undertaken the tasks to set the model enterprises, following the policy of energy saving and emission reduction and aiming to boost industrialization by informatization and promote informatization by industrialization. Experts have selected primarily and re-evaluate the candidate enterprises recommended by MIIT and related associations. Finally, there are already 60 enterprises, including CNPC and Yuntianhua Group set to be the first model enterprises to promote energy saving and emission reduction by combining informatization and industrialization.

     MIIT requires related local department in charge to guide the work on demonstration and promote the experience from the model enterprises. These enterprises are required to perfect the working schemes and detail the working plans to make the pilot projects effective.

     At the same time, MIIT announced the concerned enterprises to promote energy saving and emission reduction by combining informatization and industrialization. 45 enterprises which include Luxi Chemical Group, Yangnong Chemical Group, and Suopu Group, etc were selected to be the concerned enterprises. 

(Source: China Agri-Production News)


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